7 Thunders In Revelation

Revelation 10 3 says when he called out the seven thunders sounded in verse four john writes and when the seven thunders had sounded i was about to write but i heard a voice from heaven saying seal up what the seven thunders have said and do not write it down revelation 10 4.

7 thunders in revelation. The angel gives a shout like the roar of a lion and then the voices of the seven thunders speak and when the seven thunders had uttered their. And when the seven thunders spoke i was etc. The seven thunders uttered their voices john assumes that the readers already have some knowledge of these seven thunders in revelation 4 2 3 john saw a throne encircled by a rainbow and here in chapter ten we see the same rainbow.

In his apocalyptic vision the apostle john saw a mighty angel striding the sea and the land with a scroll in his hand. The seven thunders appear in revelation 10 1 7. Just as john was about to write down what they said a voice from.

This he supposed himself to be doing in obedience to the command in revelation 1 11 19. As we have shown in previous articles the seven thunders are a part of the seventh seal. The angel gave a shout like the roar of a lion and then the voices of the seven thunders spoke.

The revelation of the thunders is not even written in the bible. At the same time it cannot be outside of the bible because you cannot add to or take away from it. And when the seven thunders had uttered their voices i was about to write.

Thunder is the voice of the lord in judgment i samuel 7 10 psalm 18 13. John was prevented from revealing what they said or as paul put it and heard unspeakable words which it is not lawful to utter think about it. The seven thunders are the seven spirits who are now uttering their voices through the 5 fold ministry to give her rapturing faith.

In apostle john s apocalyptic vision of the end times he sees a mighty angel striding the sea and the land with a scroll in his hand. The seven thunders are the seven spirits angels who came and uttered their voices through william branham in 1963 when they opened up the revelation of the seven seals to him. There are those that state the seven thunders are not yet revealed.

John in his vision thought himself to be writing down the incidents as they were displayed before him. Paul mocks the 7 thunder revelation in ii corinthians 12 1 5. A legal proceeding takes place in the heavenlies.

It seems that st. Now the revelation of the things which the seven thunders uttered on earth but was sealed up is in the seventh seal. It is a hidden secret.

The revealing angel is satan disguised as an angel of light ii cor. The seven thunders appear in revelation 10 1 7.

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